Hydrogen và Pin nhiên liệu

Friday, August 19, 2005


Report 6:2002

Bjørnar Kruse, Sondre Grinna, Cato Buch

Bellona Report 6:02, "Hydrogen - Status and possibilities"

Published by Bellona Foundation 2002

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In a global perspective, hydrogen as an energy carrier will be of central importance in diminishing the greenhouse effect and local pollution.
The world now faces tremendous challenges associated with greenhouse gas emissions, climatic change, and the need for a sustainable development.
The atmosphere contains greenhouse gases, of which CO2, CH4, N2O and H2O are the primary ones.
Visions and challenges
Jules Verne was well updated on new technologies and patents, and loved to portray the use of them. Verne was aware of the fuel cell technology that had been patented in 1839 when he wrote The Mysterious Island.
Hydrogen technologies
The hydrogen atom is made up of a nucleus with positive charge and one electron. The hydrogen molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and is the most basic of all molecules.
The Transportation Sector
The transportation sector accounts for 31% of the total energy usage in the EU. 98% of the sector uses petroleum-based fuel.
The Energy Sector
The energy sector, as with transportation, is a heavy user of fossil fuels. 85% of the world’s commercial sale of energy is based on fossil fuels. About 35,000 TWh – 1/3 of the world’s total primary energy consumption – is used to produce electricity.
Energy carriers used as fuel are by definition explosive and fire hazards. Different types of fuel have quite varying physical properties, and must therefore be handled differently. No fuel system can be described as totally safe, but the risk of accidents can be reduced significantly by appropriate storage, handling and transportation methods.

Appendix 1: Physical data for hydrogen

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